Why Fastrack Onboard


Your 7 Reasons to Use Fastrack Onboard

  1. Accurate and complete I-9, W-4, required state forms and policy sign-offs. Plus, you have the flexibility to add your own Employee Manual to be read in both your job offers and during the Online Hiring Process. Fastrack Onboard always provides your compliance team with complete, error-free compliance paperwork, every hire, every time.
  2. Low Total Cost of Ownership with minimal staff training and set up costs provides a low total cost of ownership. ROI is immediate with the impact of faster compliance and more complete onboarding that retains employees longer. Your ROI is positive, and very clear, because FastrackOnboard saves you 10 hours per week for each manager deployed in your hiring process and labor compliance team.
  3. Intelligent Forms® are triggered by Job Title, Department or Level in Organization. Intelligent Form Hiring is just one example of enterprise functionality and value you receive by investing in Fastrack Onboard. In addition Fastrack Onboard Intelligent Forms® are responsive to location; States and Cities. Compliance with every jurisdiction is another key feature of our Intelligent Forms enabled Hiring process.
  4. Document Management of your important compliance documents available 24/7 from the office or when tele-commuting. Document back-up and mobile support are included automatically for every client because we know how important access to your accurate compliance forms are to your long-term compliance success.
  5. Private Electronic Signatures® provides complete security of PEI, Private Employee Information. Embracing this solution takes the fear out of private-data protection. Complete Security of Private Employee Information with state-of-the-art management of data access, using the latest security hardware and software, Fastrack Onboard is a doubly secure vault for your employee data.
  6. Compliance Workflow® turns applicants into employees supporting compliance regulations at federal, state and even city levels. Labor Compliance is the foundation of the Fastrack Onboard solution.
  7. Employment Incentives are built-in (though optional) and may even pay for the system! If the Fastrack Onboard compliance solution is a great value based only on time savings, how much better it is when you factor in the WOTC incentives as well. How many other business process improvements pay for themselves in TWO meaningful ways?